So let's go ahead and introduce you to the popular books I've not read...

Everyone. And I mean everyone has talked about this book and how good it is, and yet here I sit not having read it. And the bigger scandal? I don't care to read it. I hate books written in diary or letter form. They're just not for me. However, I would like to watch the movie because it's one I've also not watched. I can fully appreciate people's love for this novel and the author; I can also appreciate that it was one of the first YA contemporary novels a lot of people read and either got them into reading or got them into YA, and I love that. I truly do.

I know, I know, I know. Please do not shoot me. I have not read a book by V.E Schwab. I definitely do want to read a book by her because I've heard such incredible things about her writing and her characters, more so in regards to Vicious because she made Villains loveable. Out of all her books, This Savage Song is definitely the one I'm most interested in and will probably end up reading before the others but Vicious is definitely giving me some 'The Tomorrow People' vibes. Also V.E Schwab is so hilariously lovely on Twitter.

I loved A Court of Thorns and Roses. It was one of my favourite books of 2015 and was also one of the very first Fantasy books that I really, really enjoyed. So when Bloomsbury emailed me about receiving a copy of ACOMAF to review I jumped at the chance thinking I would read it as soon as it arrived. Only I never did and have still not read it. I'm not sure what's stopping me. I did start it, even read around 79 pages but the size was so intimidating and I'm just not in the mood for something filled with romance and magic.

This is actually one of the only Colleen Hoover books I have yet to read and I don't know if I will read it. Colleen Hoover is one of my all time favourite authors, however, Hopeless has a storyline that just hasn't seemed to grab my attention. Maybe it's waiting for a right time to pop out at me and shout "READ ME" and then I will but at the moment I'm content with the books I've read and enjoyed by her.
Now I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't read quite a lot of the popular books out there. In fact I know there's at least another thousand books that are super popular that I have no interest in reading. But what I want to know is: What are the top 3 popular books you guys have not read? Tell me in the comments!