13. Silence by Natasha Preston - 3.5/5
12. Broken Silence by Natasha Preston - 4/5
This book follows on with Silence, but this time it's fast forward four years. Oakley left for Australia and now she's back for the trial. However, she's not sure how to deal with Cole and the whole 'I still love him' phase. However, this book really closed the book up and made you think just how blessed you are. I only knocked it down because of the spelling mistakes and typo's. Natasha will also be having a book published next year, 'The Cellar' which will be published by Source Books.
11. The Selection by Kiera Cass - 4/5

through out the book. I wanted to give it a 5, but I felt like there was something missing.

10. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling - 4/5
I first read Harry Potter when I was 11 years old. And I loved it. I thought it was full of action, but now as an 18 year old boy, I felt differently about the book. In some parts it was slow and boring, but nearer to the end it got better. However, the character and world development had me hooked. I couldn't believe how brilliant it was.

I can see why everybody loved this book. But I have read a lot of cliché and predictable books in the past years and this is included with them. Yes, the characters were great and the descriptions or Paris were amazing. But the book lacked something for me. I wanted more from the characters and the premise. However, it was still a great quick read.
8. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - 5/5
This book was amazing and at the beginning of the year I would've said that it was my absolute favourite. But then all the other books took over. Yes, this book made me laugh, smile and shed a few tears and it wasn't because it was just about cancer and love. The way it was written was beautiful and I loved John Greens take on Cancer. Overall an outstanding book!

7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 5/5
For me this book was brilliant. Not only that, but it was full of action and had some amazing new characters. I also loved the development of both characters and world because we could see that Harry, Ron and Hermione had matured a bit. We also got to know about the chamber and the girls toilet which, even though isn't relevant, it kind of is. Best book in the series so far! (Only on the 4th book.)
6. Before I Die by Jenny Downham - 5/5
This book is about cancer, love and a girl so desperate to make her last few months left the best and trust me this book was amazing. There were parts where I hated it, but I think that was because I had watched the film (without knowing) before I read the book. The characters we ok and the premise was cliché. I did shed a tear though. One tear that is.

Best book in the trilogy. I liked Clockwork Angel and I enjoyed Clockwork Princess, but for me this one was the best out of the lot. There was loads of action that kept me wanting to read more and through out this book we got to know the characters a lot more as well as the new ones. My favourite couple out of the series was Gideon and Sophie they're perfect for each other and seeing them develop was the right thing for Miss Clare to do.
4. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey - 4.5/5
If you're wondering why this has a rating of 4.5 but is 4th on my list then it is because the book was amazing. However, I knocked it down by .5 because of the insta-love. Insta-love is my bookish pet peeve and as soon as I saw him say "I love you" after like 3 days I knew I had to knock it down. If this book didn't have the insta-love then it would've been 2nd or 3rd on my list.
3. Slated and Fractured by Teri Terry - 5/5
Both of these books were incredible. Not a lot of action happens, but where there is no action (Fighting, etc.) there is a lot of tense scenes which just made the book so much better. Also with the way it was written I felt like I was in Kyla's dreams. I was in the book. One thing that shocked me thought that in 40 years 'Slating' could happen.
2. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare - 5/5

Yes, this one is every single book of the series. I started it thinking I'd hate it, but came out of it obsessed with the series. The world. The characters. It's just mind blowing and I really want to be a shadow-hunter and one day I will. For me, Cassandra Clare is my favourite author of 2013. If you haven't read the series then I suggest you do because once you enter it you won't come back out!

1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - 5/5 (If I could give it 10, I would.)
My original list had The Mortal Instruments as No.1. But I read Eleanor and Park and it was clear that this one had to had the first spot. It was quirky, cute and just amazing written. But what I loved most was the fact that Rainbow took us on a journey of high school, love and the Eighties. This book will probably be my all time favourite book without a doubt!
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