At the minute I'm in a very bad reading slump, I've read only 1 book this month so far and it feels terrible. I've even put myself on a little book buying ban because I have to save money for University and my friends birthday and other trips we have planned for the summer, so I cannot buy any new ones.
So here are a few tips I'm going to be trying out, and if you're in a reading slump then maybe you can try them out as well. Also if you have any other tips then please comment below!
1. Start reading a book you know you’ll love. Read a book that you've been dying to read or just ask your friends to give you a suggestion, I know I find some great books from my friends/
2. Read the synopsis again, or maybe read some positive reviews about the book you’re trying to get through. That might just motivate you to keep reading.
3. Just ride it out. Don't read. Just focus on other important stuff like school work or go do something active.
4. Make reading comfortable for you. Make sure there is no background noise if you can’t concentrate because of that, or make sure there is background noise if makes you focus. Choose a peaceful, comfortable reading place and just do it. Just start reading. You might be on a part where it’s about to get really suspenseful, and you don’t want to miss that, do you?
5. Do something other than reading. Watch a book to movie adaptation, watch a movie, go out clubbing (if you're in age), have a pamper/film day. Do anything you want!
6. Re-read one of your favourite books. This will probably not count toward your Goodreads challenge, but you’ll get even more behind if you don’t get out of your reading slump.
7. Visit a bookstore or go to your local library, and just browse. You will (hopefully) rediscover your love for reading and won’t be able to wait to go back to your book.
8. (Re)organise your books. I've just done this and it has helped. I was thinking about the books I haven't read, about the books I loved and the ones I hated.
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