Gift Ideas: What to buy your friends who love to read

So, the most normal and cliché gift to get your friends who love reading would be a book, but buying a book comes with a lot of stress.

1) What if they already own the book?
2) What if they've already read the book?
3) What if it's not their Genre?
4) What if they dislike the author?

Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress.

S T R E S S !

So here are 5 bookish gifts that your reading friends will love.

1. A Gift card -  It may be small and simple, but at least they get to pick the books they actually want. Plus, who doesn't love a gift card? I would suggest Amazon Gift cards, B&N Gift cards, WHSmith Gift Cards and Waterstones Gift cards.

2. Bookmarks - Another simple gift. All you have to do is choose a design that your friend/family member would like and then wrap them up. Plus, we all know that booknerds love super cute book marks that befriends our pages. I'd recommend you look at the ones designed and made by craftedvan on Etsy.

3. Bookish Art - These are a little more pricey, but they look amazing. What way to show off their love of a book then having their favourite quote hanging beautifully on their wall.

4. A book scented Candle - This is a weird gift, but it's also very thoughtful. Is book sniffers need to satisfy our needs and with this one, all you'd need to do is place it up to your nose and enjoy!

5. DVD's - Uh, DVD's. You sure? Yes, I am one hundred percent sure. 2014 was a great year for Books to movies/TV shows. The Fault in Our Stars came out, so did Divergent. But then there's also If I Stay and The Maze Runner releases this month. Also Amazon has a great deal on where both Hunger Games movies are £10. TV show wise, I'd recommend The 100, which became a huge hit and also Season 1 of Under the Dome (S2 was terrible)

I hope I've somewhat given you a few ideas on what to get and if you've already bought your book loving friends something, maybe this will help for next year.

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