Top 5 Wednesday was created by GingerReadsLainey
If sunbathing on decking and ice cream don't scream Summer, then I'd find you incredibly weird. The only thing more summery than those is the beach, which I happen to dislike. Both covers are absolutely beautiful, and I'm looking forward to reading them in the next 2/3 months!
Do I really need to say anything? The cover is bright yellow and has a painting of the sun. How much brighter could it get?
This cover is easily one of my favourites of 2015. It's beautiful, and the tone is so perfect for a summer in Wales. I literally cannot wait to read this book soon, hopefully I can read it while I'm on a little road trip myself.
A guy kissing a girl on a bike in an open field? Perfect summery cover. The way it's been edited portrays it as a very happy summer book, but with that little touch of home comfort.
What are your favourite summer covers?
Let me know in the comments.
I love the cover for "The Last Summer of Us." It's so pretty. Nice collection.