Why I've Still Not Read Lady Midnight

So many people have been messaging me on Goodreads wondering why I've not read Lady Midnight. And normally I'd have an answer for that question but I have so many answers that it's difficult to always explain to people. As a reader, I am not someone who can pick up a book just because it's a new release that I have been anticipating. I mean, I have been waiting for Lady Midnight to come out since the ending of The Mortal Instruments, which is a seriously long time. But I'm the type of reader that chooses what they read pending on their mood and the sort of genre they feel like reading.

For example: if I'm stressed out and in the Contemporary mood then I would generally tend to pick a short book to read. Short but sweet and something that'll help with escapism. If it's a sunny day and I want something to reciprocate my mood then I would generally pick something New Adult, possibly something with travel.

And I'm not just a mood reader. Sometimes I like to wait until the second book release date, which I something I'm doing with Lady Midnight. I don't want to be waiting so long for each book to be released, especially forcing myself to read Lady Midnight when I'm just not feeling anything of that genre at this specific place in time. The book is over 700 pages long, so I'll need the time to actually read it and I don't have that time right now.

If you've checked Goodreads like I have then you'd know that it had really good ratings and loads of people are saying it's Cassie's best work yet, which hypes it up too much for me. Hype can ruin my perspective on things because I immediately assume that it's the best piece of literature ever. Which I'm sure it is, because Cassie is one of the best writer's out there. I will eventually read Lady Midnight. But at my own time and at my own pace.

Have you read Lady Midnight?
Let me know your thoughts below!

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