So here are my top 5 picks for Author Blurbs.

FIFTH PLACE: Irish Independent for If I Stay by Gayle Forman
"Sometimes painful, other times funny but always touching, If I Stay is a remarkably fresh and compelling piece of work. It's a book with a real heart, a book that makes you feel truly grateful to be alive." I chose this one because I agreed with everything that was said. If I Stay is a book that makes you feel grateful to be alive, but not only that, it makes you cherish everything you have.

FOURTH PLACE: James Dashner for Divergent by Veronica Roth
"Divergent is a captivating, fascinating book that kept me in constant suspense and was never short on surprises. It will be long time before I quit thinking about this haunting vision of the future." James Dashner wraps everything I would've said in two sentences. It's been six months since I first read it and it's always on my mind. The world building. The characters. The fact that being separated after a war. It's very realistic. Ps, if it does happen let me be in Dauntless.

THIRD PLACE: Jennifer Echols for Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
"McGarry details the sexy highs, the devastating lows and the real work it takes to build true love." Love is something that needs to be worked on every day. There is always something that challenges you and in this book Echo and Noah defied the odds and showed everyone what a real relationship is. It's not about popularity or sex. It's about overcoming each and every challenge together.

SECOND PLACE: John Green for Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
"Reminded me not just what it's like to be young and in love with a girl, but what it's like to be young and in love with a book." Everything is perfect with this blurb apart from the girl part - it'd be boy for me - Eleanor and Park is a book you can fall in love over and over again with. It's beautifully written with flawed, diverse characters. It's exactly what the YA community needed. Two people are aren't afraid to stand out.

FIRST PLACE: Lindsay Cummings for Slated by Teri Terry
"Everything I have been looking for in a book: suspense, mind-bending mystery, romance and just the right amount of Science-Fiction." We all know that Lindsay Cummings likes the darker side of books. But I have to completely agree with her on this one. This book had me on the edge of my seat. I was turning the pages faster than I would eating a bar of chocolate. I was addicted.
I'm always asked what my favourite quote is from Divergent and I always reply with that I have too many because the book is so addictive. But I do have a favourite from it and I'm going to show you it in the form of a GIF. A Theo James shirtless GIF. Enjoy!
Now let me know down below in the comment section what your favourite author blurbs are. They can be blurbs your blog friends have done, one a newspaper have done or ones that an author has done. Any blurb is more or less a good blurb.
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