So today I felt like talking about books that I will never read. And the reasons will all vary. Maybe I just don't like the author's writing style, or maybe I just think the author is overrated, but I'll leave you guys with my honest opinions. And don't forget, you haven't got to agree with me. We're all human and have difference preferences.

It may seem like I'm bashing the author since I wrote a harsh yet honest review of her debut novel, All the Bright Places. But the honest truth is that I just don't get the hype about Jennifer Niven. Her writing is mediocre at best, but what mainly left me not wanting to read this book was it's original - and highly offensive - synopsis. The original synopsis came across so offensive because it read that Fat people aren't human at all, they're freaks. Not only that it also came across as being skinny gets you places in life, like your weight defines you has a person. And then it comes down to the other main character who has Cognitive Disorder
. What should be described as a serious condition comes across as Jennifer not giving a shit about who reads her story and describes the character as broken. What I've found is that Jennifer likes to label her characters as one thing and nothing else, and it's irritating.
I don't need to mention the fact that I happen to think John Green is incredibly overrated. Sure, TFIOS was a somewhat enjoyable read but every time I've tried to read another of his books I get the exact same vibe from them, almost like they characters are carbon copies with different names and looks. And while I guess I could have chosen Paper Towns, I really don't care. Because I won't be reading any of his books. Unless he decides to write something that sounds interesting but I doubt it since he's all about filming the book to movie adaptations of his novels, which sadly I've also not been a fan of. In fact I thought both TFIOS and Paper Towns were some of the worst movies ever, beating Insurgent to the mix (Which seems impossible, highly impossible).

I don't understand why she continued this series past a trilogy. For me 3 books was enough of Eva and Gideon. Just like her other readers, I loved them loads but their lives aren't that interesting to be continued over another 2 books. But I also understand why she wrote them: Money. They sell more than well enough, they're incredibly popular and it's even been optioned for TV............Which makes zero sense. But, yeah.....I won't be reading this one either.
What books will you never read?
Let me know in the comments!
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